Sunday, June 05, 2005


Babies are at best...unpredictable.

Friday started innocuously enough. Rohan did a great job sleeping during the night and woke up every three hours and went back to bed relatively quickly. In the morning though, we noticed the development of rash like symptoms on his back. Seemingly not bad at first, but became worse as the day wore on. Quick trip to the doctor and everything is just fine. Babies have raging hormones, similar to that of a teenager, such that they could have acne (I should have recognized it :-) breakouts all over their bodies. In general it dissipates over a few months.

Nonetheless, at the doctor, we mentioned the new problem of Rohan spitting up a bit after feeding. Due to the underdevelopment of his GI system, this too, can be a common problem. The best way to deal with it is to keep his head elevated for at least 45 minutes following a feeding…..45 minutes??! He feeds on average every 90 minutes and takes 10 min to feed….uh oh. At least he generally sleeps during these upright sessions…..Too bad he haaaates his baby bjorn carrier.

Yeah, so the night was not a lot of fun as L and I took turns keeping Rohan vertical after each of his feeds. This night had to coincide with a generally hungry night where Rohan wanted to feed every 90 min or so, leading to sleeping intervals of 30 - 45 min for the parents. Ouch.

But its all good and bad things will pass…the next night was significantly better as we started using the bottle a bit a night so L can get a 4 – 6 hour stretch of sleep and I get much or more.


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