hair loss
remarkably...i'm not talking about my own.
For whatever reason, rohan was born with a huge head of hair. Well not a huge head, just lots of hair. Add to the hair on his head was all the body hair that accompanies newborns, lanugo or something, and he looked like a tiny little monkey child.
Anyways, the hair on his body disappeared after a few days -- and luckily enough since i was starting to develop a complex given that he had more body hair than me. But over the last few weeks, more of his head hair has gone the way of the caribbean monk seal.
This too, is "normal." Given that i have another complex about my head hair (i know i'm going bald, i'd just like to know the timeline), it is distressing to see little baby hair strands littering his bed, car seat, and all the other places he plops his head. Luckily he's completely oblivious, but maybe i can use this chance to instill in him a sense that bald is okay.....
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