Tuesday, June 07, 2005

as* wipes

There are multiple baby wipes on the market and we didn't think too much about the product when we bought the first batch of Huggies wipes before Rohan was born. They actually worked quite well and got baby very clean.

When we were both in the store again, we noticed Huggies Newborn wipes. Hmmm...sounds like a good idea and we tried them out. Turns out they are much softer and have a lot less of the cleaning solution on them. This is both good and bad -- good for newborn baby's skin, bad for parents trying to clean baby's bum.

Nevertheless, in our (mostly mine) overzealousness to keep baby clean, we were probably wiping too hard and too much. Rohan started to develop some skin irritation in his nether regions. Quick call to the doctor's office and they suggested cooling it on the wipes and using cotton balls (with sterilized water) instead.

2 - 3 weeks later, Rohan is irritation free (at least his butt is) and we'll probably keep using the cotton. A bit clumsier than the wipes in their nice little box, but much much better for his skin.


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