Thursday, September 22, 2005

new stuff

We started buying stuff again...not that we ever really took a haitus from it, but just hadn't bought too many noteworthy things.

Since the cloth diaper experiment sort of fizzled...At best Rohan is in a cloth diaper for a couple of hours a day...we needed a better place to put the used disposables. Luckily since the kid doesn't actually poop all that often, the standard trash can has been working pretty well.

Nevertheless, he's going to be eating real foods pretty soon and legend has it that the stink can be pretty severe. After consulting our little library of experts, we settled on the Diaper Champ. Why? cause i hate the gillette razor business model. Give the platform away for free/cheap and keep them coming back for refills -- in this case that being the Diaper Genie.

Sure, the DG could probably keep in smells better since it seals everything into little sausages, but its bad enough that i'm adding tons of litter to the environment with the diapers, i don't want to wrap each and ever diaper in its own little non-degradable coffin.


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