Thursday, June 16, 2005

soooo tired

Our attempt at having Rohan drink from the bottle during the night is quickly becoming painful. Rohan gets very upset if his food isn't ready when he is...As a result, the 3-5 minutes it takes to warm up a bottle are far too long. He gets so annoyed at waiting that he then just doesn't want to eat...

To alleviate that fact, I tried getting up a half hour earlier than his normal midnight feed time to start warming up the food....Unfortunately, i slept right through my alarm (actually, i woke up, turned it off, and went promptly back to bed). Nevertheless, L had me go pull the milk from the fridge to address his 3 AM feeding.

For whatever reason, Rohan wasn't too interested in the bottle...I tried, L's mom tried....One probable source of the problem may have due to L's presence in the room. In the past, she's been out of the room (to prevent confusion on Rohan's part). But with the nighttime feeds, we didn't want to drag Rohan all over the house to feed, and inadvertantly wake him up.

So downstairs i went with an awake, alert, clean, and non-hungry Rohan. Matrix 3 and Basic Instinct (holy crap that was made in 1992???) were on as I wanted Rohan to remember that he is usually hungry by 4 AM. Finally around 4:15 or so, he took to the bottle and drank a very small amount. Of course how much he usually drinks at three in the morning isn't known...


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