Tuesday, June 21, 2005


The last week has been mondo busy...hard to find time to work, spend time with Rohan, and still come up with something creative to write about. Not to mention that gym thing....

When we first set up Rohan's cradle, we picked up a mobile from Babies R'Us. It was a cute thing with little animals and what not and cost around $40. A hell of a lot of money from my perspective for four tiny stuffed animals tied to pieces of string. Nonetheless, everyone knows that babies spend some time staring at the ceiling from their crib so why not put something stimulating in front of them.

A couple days after getting it, we stopped in a local baby store that sold more creative looking ones. Slow ass people that we are, we finally went and got one and put it in today. It is a mobile from Tiny Love -- what made it most appealing to me is both the fact that it runs on batteries but that it playes classical music instead of the usual "twinkle twinkle." Lots of colors, lots of movement, and as a bonus, it comes with a remote! The upside is that it only cost $10 more than the one we got earlier....yes an inordinate sum for something that will only be used for a few months, but what are you gonna do....Of course parents will spend $$$ when it comes to their kid's brian development....

Anyways, there is no question that Rohan finds it interesting....at least he does right now. We'll see what he thinks of it in a couple of hours or a couple of days....


At June 27, 2005 8:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is some great coincidence because someone gave us one of these (TinyLove) and it works wonders - well, RohanB enjoys it for a while and then his attention shifts to something else. Life as a child!

At June 28, 2005 7:32 AM, Blogger Neal said...

yeah, at the risk of driving him batty and making him hate the mobile, we're limiting him to about 15 - 20 minutes a day of listening / watching the mobile. He's pretty interested during that time, but you can see the interest wane near the end of the musical peice....


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