Sunday, June 26, 2005

baby acne

What started a few weeks ago as a somewhat mild case of baby acne, quickly progressed to something that looks worse and more worrisome. When the doctor saw it, she saw only a "neck rash" and said it was going to get a lot worse before it got better...

The acne spread to his scalp, face, upper chest and even upper arms. Daily calls to the nurses were reassuring and they recommended an oatmeal bath (Aveno) to both speed the recovery and cool the baby's skin. Some 30 - 40% of babies come down with the acne, yet few people in our immediate family had seen or heard of it before.

Nevertheless it did get its worst his skin was rough and it is drying out and returning to its baby softness ;-). Most photographers avoid taking pictures during this brief period and as a consequence, the acne is rarely documented. Even we neglected to take any pictures during his acne phase.....

by the way....we were able to make it out to see Star Wars 3 -- anyone else notice that Padme gave birth to two of the biggest "babies" i have ever seen? I'm thinking they were 3-4 months old and around 15 lbs each....


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