Tuesday, June 28, 2005

bottle experiments

With Rohan's repeated refusals to take the bottle, we started experimenting with both bottles and nipples on the advice of nurses and consultants. We made a couple of mistakes early on and things are getting a little better.

For one...Before Rohan was born, we stocked up on Avent bottles (as recommended from our classes). What we neglected to notice is that they all came with the same size 1 nipple. Didn't think much of it at the time, but most babies outgrow that in a month or so. Not realizing this, it was no wonder that Rohan got so frustrated since he was not getting fed as quickly as he wanted. The sizing seems to vary by brand, but with Avent, size 1 = 1 month, size 2 = 2 mos, etc. Then of course there are differences in babies and their own preferences....

We've since experimented with a couple other brands (playtex, dr. brown's) but still prefer the Avent -- if for no other reason than the investment we've made in the bottles so far. He's doing a bit better with the level 3 nipple, but nowhere near as happy as he used to be with the bottle....


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