Tuesday, January 17, 2006

eastern travel

Over the past weekend we ventured out to the other coast on a combined work and family visit trip. Rohan had a chance to see some of my cousins and aunts and L had a chance to spend some quality face time in the office.

Given that we were taking 6 hour flights, we elected to buy Rohan a seat. For both flights, this ensured we were able to get some amount of sleep. It took Rohan 1 - 1.5 hours to settle down once we were airborne before he crashed out. And given that our flight out was a red-eye, it was a bit of a surprise that it took him so long to crash out. Then again, all the people, all the other babies, etc. -- hard to fall asleep with all that going on. Being his usual self, he was smilling at everyone he saw almost trying to start up a conversation, "hey, i'm going somewhere with my parents...Are you going there too? where are we going again?"

Once we got out there, Rohan had his first real expose to snow. I don't think he cared as much as the family from San Diego who were taking pictures. Nevertheless, the whole family spent much of the day catching up on the sleep lost on the flight. But later he got to meet the little cousins who couldn't figure out why he couldn't talk or walk.

For whatever reason, they kept sticking Rohan's toys on his head. Granted they were 7 and 5 years old respectively and had not been around too many infants -- but why did they fell like sticking the toys on his head? Given Rohan's goofy proportions - he can't really reach the top of his head too easily.

Nevertheless, the weekend went well. Rohan started trying to crawl a bit more....more like dragging (arms pull lifeless legs forward) as none of his appendages are actually working together.

The trip back was good as well, but overall - it took around 12 hours door - to - door between the 3 hour car drive from NJ to philly and then the 6 hour flight. The house was an icebox when we got home (around midnight) and we blew the fuse box trying to heat the house back up with space heaters before the furnace got going. Oh well.....


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