Monday, November 21, 2005

is this thing on?

Holy long has it been since i've posted? I'm surprised blogger hasn't pulled the plug. Anyways, i've been AWOL for a number of reasons:

  • work...finally started catching up to me. I like the job, i'm not working too many excess hours, but am far more focused at work than i used to be
  • i'm spending more time with the munchkin. He is on a pretty good schedule lately and last thing i want to do is get home late before he crashes out
  • trying to squeeze in extra time with L
  • have realized there are lots of other "daddy" blogs out there and it is waaaaay easier to read a post than write one yourself. And a fair number of them are really good
  • sleep deprivation has precluded my ability to do much of anything

However, i also realized that my purpose for starting this thing was two fold and i'm failing on both counts. It was a way for me to share my experiences with others but at the same time, keep a diary / living record of life with Rohan. The blog has been a great way for me to document for posterity all his little achievements as well as my own emergence into fatherhood. To that end, here are all the things that have happened since i actually posted last:

  • Rohan got over his first ear infection. Mild as it was, it did pass and without the use of antibiotics. Yes the doctor was only a little too willing to provide the drugs, but the kid kicked it on his own
  • Rohan has decided that he likes to get up at night...a lot...i really mean a lot. It started with the ear infection that prevented him from sleeping properly. We stuck him in our bed just so that we could all get some level of sleep only to realize that he was not all too happy to go back to his little crib. Nevertheless, we're working on it. Our current book of choice is The No-Cry Sleep Solution as we are trying to get the kid okay with sleeping on his own without waking us up to come help him get back to sleep. Sure we could Ferber-ize him, but that just sounded too painful. Especially since Rohan's crying ratchets up a notch for every 10 seconds of crying. He is at least sleeping in a crib, but it is the portable crib in our room and not the 8x more expensive one in his room.
  • Rohan turned 6 months and got his latest round of shots. Yet again, his shots coincided with his "birthday." Of course this time I helped the kid out and was able to prevent him from getting one extra shot. Either the nurse is incompetent or unable to read a medical history -- but she wanted to give him his "3rd" Hep B shot. However, she didn't seem to notice that he actually had his first round when he was born and this would have made it the fourth. Mental note -- do not blindly accept what they are putting into your kid's body
  • Not only did he get his standard shots, but he also got a flu shot. Lucky for him, he needs to go in for a second flu shot in a few weeks. Apparently first time flu shot recipients need two rounds for it to take...
  • First solid foods....A couple of weeks before Rohan hit the 6 month milestone we started him on solid foods. The kid looooves them. So far he's had rice cereal, bananas, pears, peaches, a bit of apple and a bit of papaya. He started to get all blocked up again, so we supplemented with a bit of prune juice. So far so good...but those diapers are getting mighty stinky....
  • sitting up ! Rohan's able to sit up for extended periods of time now without falling over. Well, unless he reaches for a toy that he just dropped or something. For the most part he is really happy sitting around now. The first question everyone is asking though, " is he crawling yet?" Nope.....and we don't seem to have any idea on when that might happen. If anything Rohan seems more content to try to walk first. Every opportunity he has to pull himself up to standing he exploits

'whew...i'm sure there are other things...but i'll try to post those on a more regular basis....


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