separation anxiety
Up till now, the longest stretch of time I've been away from Rohan was around 8 hours -- and that only happened once. Working from home these last few weeks has been a great way to spend time with him and watch him grow.
But all good things must Having accepted a new job waaay out West, i find myself out here looking for a new place for us all to live. Beyond the usual rent vs. buy delima...I find myself thinking...will this place be a nice area to take Rohan for a walk? Would he be more stimulated by large grassy areas, or places with lots of people, etc...
Nevertheless, as one day has elapsed since leaving the baby behind, i'm doing okay :-). I actually slept a decent amount last night and can't remember the last time i got 5-6 hours of uninterrupted sleep! Everyone has asked to see pictures of the baby, but thus far, i have none. When you spend all your time with him and are no more than a couple flights of stairs away - why bother wallet size pictures? Nevertheless, i'll be ordering up a set right quickly.
I find it very different to be a parent walking through the airport now....In the past, i rarely peered into strollers or at parents toting kids...I now look directly at the kids and try to guess their ages....and then get worried that maybe we're trying to move and fly with Rohan a bit too quickly. Undoubtably, travelling with Rohan will prove to be an adventure....For the most part the kids on my flight were pretty quiet -- no question that the descent got their ears to hurt and started their crying. I have to admit that crying babies phase me far less than they did before - in fact i actually feel a lot more pity for the parents and the baby rather than irritation --- guess that's a sure sign of some level of maturity...